Just in case you heard about dolls’ houses in connection with QVC, the shopping channel, my other major love (it’s the Quality, you know) you have come to the right place to find out how to turn your Tim Holtz Configurations box into a dolls’ house.
Here is where I’m up to with mine. As you can see I’m converting the smallest box into a little cottage. So far I have done the kitchen and made a start on the hall. Would you like a closer look?
My house is round about the end of the eighteenth century but you could make a house of any era or a complete fantasy very easily with the Configurations boxes because of the removable rooms. Bigger boxes make bigger houses. 48th scale houses have been popular in America for some time but are just taking off here in the UK. One of the problems has always been giant hands in tiny spaces but the Configurations boxes with their removable, re-arrangeable rooms overcome these difficulties. Furniture kits, wallpapers, architectural items and so on in this scale can be found online. I make porcelain things, including the dolls, which I’ve been working on for ten months or so.
You can find out how I made the room by clicking on the column to the right of this paragraph, specifically on 48th scale dolls houses and selecting ‘Configure a dolls house’.
I’ll continue to add blogs as I complete the house. At present I’m working towards Miniatura, the huge miniature art show at the NEC on March 17th and 18th, details here: www.Miniatura.co.uk
At the show you’ll find everything you need to turn your Configurations box into a dolls’ house, a real work of art and an heirloom which is fun to make.
We can’t all live in a palace, but with the right information you could make one and hang it on your wall!
JaneLaverick.com – mi casa, su Configurations box