Maybe slightly wonky.

Or maybe not.  An email from a collector alerts me to the fact that the ordering process in the shop may have summat oop wi’ it, or not if it affects just the computer of the collector.  Currently I am not in a position to find out as the S&H who is also the site’s web manager is off on his honeymoon.

I have the computer literacy of a monkey, so, in the absence of the S&H who can dangle the right bananas I am going to leave everything severely alone.  Meanwhile please be assured that it is perfectly safe to browse the shop and look at all the screens and products, zoom in, zoom out, wave it all about and if you see something you want and your computer freezes or you just don’t like the look of it, email me and we’ll do it by cheque in the old fashioned way.

It would have to be said that you can always do it that way if you are allergic to computer ordering, don’t have those plastic cards or just don’t trust Tinternet further than you can throw it. If I receive an email from a customer I have the ability (just) to use the programme that removes the item the collector requires from the shop window without further bananas.  I am 100% happy to do it that way if you would prefer, just email me the item number, brief description, the cost, the postage and your snail address and I’ll email you back where to send the cheque.  Easy peasy. I am not a giant corporation or a far flung call centre.  It really is the same me as you can meet at Miniatura, just with a shop window on the web.  The things here to be bought are each one only and not the same as taken to the Min although the quality is identical.  They are not Min leftovers either.  Sometimes I make for the Min, sometimes I make for the web shop here.  The quality is no different, I just try to keep a representative selection of what I make in both places.  I have been known to move an entire category from the Min to the web shop.  Currently the only place you can get the miniature oil paintings is here.  This decision is entirely dictated by table space at the Min.  I will never have the Jean Brodnax small scale wallpapers here, which I have at the Min, because you can buy them directly from her on the web.  In the main, however, if there’s some of it there, there’s some of it here, when I have the time to photograph it.

If you are a regular reader you will know that I’m a bit challenged in the time department currently.  When I have finished the current crop of crises with my mother I have a list of things I must accomplish.  It’s right here beside the computer, it says: pour 48th scale, dress dolls for car, paint car, make up 48th scale bits, make moulds for 24th scale, photo and get 48th scale ready for online shop.  It says here.  So far all I’ve done is make up the 48th scale bits which are actually 10 48th scale wired dolls, which I’ve made but not dressed and 7 24th scale children, also made but not dressed and 2 to make.  After about every third doll there was a crisis or a phone call or a visit or whatever.

I would love to blot out all my responsibilities and lose myself in some work but it ain’t going to happen any time soon.  Meanwhile if you see something in the shop that you love, need and want, please email me, I’d love to hear from you, if you were guessing the address started Jane@ you’d be right.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ – a place for collectors to chat.

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