Doctors have developed shorthand abbreviations that pertain to common symptoms in patients, one of which is TAT which stands for Tired All the Time.

I rocked up at the doc’s the day before yesterday with a bad case of TAT but a much more urgent case of TSC (terrible stomach cramps) ID (indigestive difficulties) CWE (coughing while eating) and PWFGD (pain when food goes down).  I didn’t bother telling her about my Clicky Neck, my Housemaids Knee that keeps just going, the Lump Between My Fingers that Hurts, the Nine Month Heel Pain though I did mention the Migraines Every Time I manage to Lose Weight.

I’m dropping to bits, sorry DTB.

Amazingly technology has advanced and I can now have a blood test for my Coeliac disease without having to eat flour for a week or fast for a day.  I realised I had a problem just before my father became ill but because of the need to fast or eat flour didn’t have the test at the time, because either would have put me out of commission when I was needed.  Now I have been overtaken by events in the best possible way, so I’m off the have the blood test next week, on the same day I’m having my cataracts peered at and just before the dental appointment for the Razor Sharp Tooth.  Am I grinding my teeth because of the Barrett’s or the Coeliac or have I got the Coeliac because I’m grinding my teeth, or is the Coeliac because of the Barrett’s, or not?  All will be revealed, or because I’m old and cynical, possibly not.  I’m so cynical I expect the results of anything to be inconclusive.

I’m old because I had a birthday yesterday, and guess what I did? Yes I visited my mother because it was Wednesday and she needed her shopping doing and everything else.  Better the day better the deed.  I keep reminding myself that if it was the middle ages I wouldn’t know when my birthday was so I wouldn’t know I was spending it with an insane person.

But you’ll have noticed I didn’t post at the start off the week, I am developing some common sense, at this stage of my mother’s illness if I’m ill and need to rest I will do that rather than blogging, vacuuming, gardening or working.

The doc says we’ll do it in stages, first the blood test, then, depending, the camera down the neck.

If you are just starting out trying to survive someone else’s dementia, I’d suggest you pace yourself.  I haven’t had a day off in three years, so you might want to do that too.

Catch me when you see me, I’m getting up to go and sit down somewhere else.



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