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Tag Archives: radio play
Knickerbocker Glory, the lard layer.
So, what did you get for Valentines day yesterday? No, me neither. However, it is Monday morning and what you get with that is a laugh and a bit more radio play, absolutely free with love from me. So that’s … Continue reading
Knickerbocker Glory 5 with prunes.
It’s Monday morning…….who invented that? What a rubbish way to begin the week. I much prefer Thursday afternoon at 4 o’ clock with a cup of tea and a bit of cake. We will have to wait till the week … Continue reading
Knickerbocker Glory, with veg.
I know it’s not Monday, it’s not even Midweek Miniatura, I just thought you’d like an extra dollop of Knickerbocker glory. It’s only a week to pay day at the end of January but these days don’t half have extra … Continue reading
Knickerbocker Glory, the pork scratchings layer.
Welcome to where we think it’s a good idea to start the week with pudding. More specifically, Knickerbocker Glory, the tall ice cream confection I dished up to a radio station, who slung it right back, eventually, so now … Continue reading
Knickerbocker Glory, 2nd dollop.
Oh no, it’s Monday morning; oh good, it’s Knickerbocker Glory! Welcome to the second dollop of very tall ice cream pudding I cooked up for the radio long ago, which never got even slightly licked. With the Golden Globes rising … Continue reading
Knickerbocker Glory
Ten years ago I thought it might be interesting to be a radio writer. Armed with a stopwatch and a tape recorder I devised six half hour comedy radio programmes, wrote them down, with some difficulty, as at the time … Continue reading