48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Author Archives: admin
Still achoo.
As I still have this streaming cold I don’t feel well enough to do much. Television is stupid. (You noticed?) Books are heavy to hold and I only have five minutes before I cough again. I need something which you … Continue reading
Yes I have the cold. If I were a man it would be flu. The OH brought it home and sat and sneezed without benefit of a handkerchief or tissue, saying that he was paralysed when sneezing. It took two … Continue reading
Yes, I have piles, I have piles of piles and lots of them. Putting cream on them will not help. Sucking my stomach in and thinking of higher things is no help at all and eating prunes doesn’t make a … Continue reading
End of year* pop quiz.
Television channels and magazines are full of them, this time of year. Quizzes, that is. This is actually because no editor can get the journalists out of the bar for love nor money. Here the quiz is because I like … Continue reading
Site Information
Site information isn’t just the title of this posting, it’s a category. The information I have is that I haven’t been posting because of post. The need to get the cards in the post was, as usual, urgent. I’m saying … Continue reading
Somewhere in the house are the two volumes necessary to contain all the information of a children’s encyclopaedia. You’d need a bigger set now because this one is over a hundred years old. It has a page or two on … Continue reading
What’s going on underneath, a posting that is well and truly knickers, or, how to feel clever about bra purchasing mistakes.
Underwear is going on underneath, usually, though you never can tell. When I first began making dolls, nearly thirty two years ago, I dressed them with all the clothes I wore. I was really keen for them to be little … Continue reading
Posted in Dolls, Knickerbocker Glory, Things to make and do.
Tagged knickers, Smalls For All, underwear
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Twice as nice.
I do not stick to my own rules. Twice does not, apparently mean a repeat of the same thing. Last night as I was just dropping off, the weather being chilly, leading to snow flurries, the OH had no problems … Continue reading
Two, twice.
As dedicated readers know, it’s all about two. If I put out three flowerpots, it looks wrong. I buy vests in twos, it’s just easier than finding I like it, going back and waiting until they’re back in stock to … Continue reading
The whole tooth.
I should have known I couldn’t get through the last ghastly six weeks without something going south. Well it nearly went south but I caught it in time. It was a large chunk, about a quarter, of my wisdom tooth. … Continue reading