48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Tag Archives: 48th scale dolls houses
Configure a dolls’ house 5
To finish the downstairs room we need to add the door. The doors that I showed you last time as well as being cut and removed from the architrave have been slightly sanded with an emery board to give a … Continue reading
Configure a dolls’ house 4
This is the bit where I finally use some of the porcelain 48th scale miniatures I spent six months creating. I produced a selection of undecorated and glazed pieces. When glazing porcelain there is always a possibility of the glaze … Continue reading
Configure a dolls’ house 2
One of the most useful additions to your small scale tool kit is gesso. This type of liquid plaster, used by artists to prepare and smooth surfaces, is invaluable for making little lumps and bumps disappear. Think of it as … Continue reading
Configure a dolls’ house!
I think I may have just found the easiest, peasiest, most budget conscious, super customisable 48th scale dolls house ever, which may solve some of the questions that have been popping up with great regularity for the whole year that … Continue reading
Prog rep
Getting ready for the Min is never easy, even before you have a number of personal difficulties to trip you up. Nevertheless, in snatched moments, kilns have been fired, midnight oil has been burned and progress, of a sort, has … Continue reading
Pouring over my work.
Sorry for the absence of words, I am pouring the dolls now. It does look as if there is a possibility that there may be some flexible dolls in 48th scale because they are pouring hollow. How many come through … Continue reading
Even more mouldy.
Have you ever wondered what 59 48th scale plaster of Paris moulds look like? Would you, please, read the next sentence aloud? ‘What do 59 plaster of Paris moulds look like, Jane?’ I’m glad you asked me that. Like this: … Continue reading
48th scale 15 A slight history of washing machines.
Charlotta writes from Sweden that miniatures is a great way of learning history. I couldn’t agree more. Producing the models for mould making over such a range of domestic necessities has stretched my historical knowledge like elastic. I am not … Continue reading
48th scale 11. Any requests?
I have now finished sculpting people. If I can mould them (which still remains to be seen, making a plaster of Paris mould for the different parts of dolls that are only an inch and a half tall is not … Continue reading
48th scale 8. Mini modelling with Milliput.
I am now deeply into sculpting these 48th scale dolls’ house inhabitants, in the course of which I noticed myself doing several things which are second nature to me now but which may be new to you. For new modellers, … Continue reading