Tag Archives: moulds

Finished! (for now).

Very occasionally I’m quite pleased with myself.  I was this afternoon, as I washed the kitchen floor having tidied up all the mess engendered by mould making. It is not dainty.  I wore the same plaster encrusted trousers for a … Continue reading

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Mouldy round the edges.

One of the ways I can tell I’m getting older, apart from teensy weensy clues such as a mirror, is how long it takes me to recover from mould making. You probably don’t think of mould making as being physically … Continue reading

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In a good way.

Once again I am absolutely knackered but this time in a good way.  Over the last four days I have worked hard and here is the result. 61 plaster of Paris moulds for porcelain, or, to put it another way, … Continue reading

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Deep deeply.

I am deeply in the middle of mould making.  I have made 19 today and have at least another 50 to do.  The I’ve got to dry some, pour them, fire etc. finish or write up the house I’ve been … Continue reading

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Pouring over my work.

I’m sorry if the postings are getting a bit late in the day.  It’s work with a capital erk at present.  I spent the last two days doing this: which doesn’t look like much at all, certainly not like something … Continue reading

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