48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Tag Archives: dementia
The penultimate dementia diary.
I expect you’ve guessed from the title. I couldn’t blog it any sooner until I had made sure all friends and relatives had been informed of my mother’s death, a fortnight ago. She actually died of a chest infection and … Continue reading
Still here.
I know it’s been a bit quiet recently but we are still here and haven’t gone. That’s me and my demented mother, who has lately been very demented indeed. There’s been a lot in the way of hour long telephone … Continue reading
So tired.
There comes a time in a lengthy undertaking where the end, maybe, maybe not, is possibly in sight and all your reserves are long ago depleted. In the echoing hollowness of anything that was there you are left mining an … Continue reading
Amateur night encore.
I had a feeling I was not done with the awfulness and was not disappointed. Not only did the solicitor start a lengthy correspondence for which, no doubt, he will bill me, describing how it’s his duty to do a … Continue reading
Amateur night at the Ritz.
If you have a disease that people can see by looking, especially if it involves bones sticking out of you, maggots surging round in a wound or anything with dribbling, blood or a trailing leg, onlookers are frequently quite keen … Continue reading
Dreadful upset.
I am still recovering from a horrible incident yesterday, when my mother telephoned and harangued me for half an hour. I had to hang up on her, which I regard as failure on my part. I was starting to have … Continue reading
Re-tracing groundhog day steps again, again.
I have just got back from an extended stay at my demented mother’s house, this time with the 24 hour professional carers in place as well, in case my mother went nuts and threw me out. Last Monday she took … Continue reading
Dashing through the snow.
Being a carer or relative of someone with dementia is considerably more than simply being responsible for a life. Most of us have borne this responsibility when we had children. The realisation when you hold the baby in your arms … Continue reading
The gift that keeps on annoying.
I do not know of a way through the minefield that is dementia care for the lay person without collateral damage. After the last hospital stay for my mother, when we collected her, the doctor insisted that she needed round-the-clock … Continue reading
More thrilling panic.
Taking care of someone elderly and demented is a riveting process of lurching from panic to crisis and back again. Take, for example, last Thursday, where I directed a panic by telephone, about every half hour. If you have ever … Continue reading
Posted in The parrot has landed.
Tagged an interesting 24 hours, care agencies, dementia
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