48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Tag Archives: Miniatura
Getting ready.
The OH is off on a singles holiday in Spain, though as he’s doing a video call or two every day, it’s not as much of a holiday for me as I envisaged. My block of stone I have not … Continue reading
Same hall.
Whatever I said about a different hall in the last post, please ignore. I have just set up in the usual hall and so has everyone else but the layout is sideways to accommodate the restaurant facilities. What I did … Continue reading
Autumn Miniatura.
My car is all loaded and I’m ready to go this afternoon and set my table up. I’ve got three hours to do it this evening and two tomorrow. I have redesigned the stand incorporating what I hope are safer … Continue reading
I have been working some very late night shifts, dressing the ladies of Versailles. They are the ladies of the court prior to the French Revolution, when all was grace and elegance and nobody knew what was going to happen … Continue reading
Two weeks to the Min.
Once upon a time, with Miniatura looming I just got up and sat down and worked. I can’t do that anymore. If I don’t move around I seize up. So I have been doing a bit of gardening. This year … Continue reading
Spring Min.
Greetings miniaturist! I know you know what this picture is all about. The 24th scale articulated porcelain aunties are all top left and the children are in rows below. I may be getting better at this after only thirty years … Continue reading
Midweek Miniatura–again!
Oh it is such a joy to be writing about everybody’s favourite miniature show again. I love writing about the amazing artists, there are some, I’m one, who only do Miniatura. In my case it’s because one original artist producing … Continue reading
More Min
More 48th. I have turned to the dark side, well darkish, rain later, by the looks of it. Ha! Vot haff ve here? This is Viscount Viktor Vanilla, the vegan vampire and some virgins from the village! (Actually, come to … Continue reading
The Min
This weekend. I will be taking some very reasonably priced paper pictures as well as the dolls and assorted porcelain miniatures. As you can see these are bass reliefs. As you cannot see they actually look better than this because … Continue reading
What a lovely show. The feeling in the hall was so happy. There is nothing quite like a hall full of likeminded people, getting together to celebrate a hobby and doing it in such a super show. Several people remarked … Continue reading