48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Category Archives: Things to make and do.
What’s going on underneath, a posting that is well and truly knickers, or, how to feel clever about bra purchasing mistakes.
Underwear is going on underneath, usually, though you never can tell. When I first began making dolls, nearly thirty two years ago, I dressed them with all the clothes I wore. I was really keen for them to be little … Continue reading
Posted in Dolls, Knickerbocker Glory, Things to make and do.
Tagged knickers, Smalls For All, underwear
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Somebody at the door.
This is the week the granddaughter comes to stay on her own, her parents deeming her old enough at the age of five to stay so fay away from them. They may also consider me old enough to look after … Continue reading
Sculpting and mould making with Paperclay. 4.
Do not wait too long to rescue your sculpture from the mould. Ten minutes would be perfect. Gently work round with your fingers freeing the base, which you can see, from the embrace of the blue silicone. Sometimes, if your … Continue reading
Sculpting and mould making with paperclay 3.
Over the course of the lockdown, when I ventured out in my blue plastic gloves, I stopped wearing rings because it was pointless, and nail varnish, which sticks to plastic gloves and therefore is even more pointless. If you, like … Continue reading
Posted in Things to make and do.
Tagged how to make silicone moulds, paperclay, sculpting
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Sculpting and mould making with paper clay. 2
If you have read part 1, which, as blogs go, is the post down below this one, you know how to sculpt the body of the all-purpose-sitting animal. I refer you again to the photo at the top of the … Continue reading
Posted in Things to make and do.
Tagged how to sculpt, sculpting with paperclay, sculpture
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Sculpting and mould making with paper clay. 1
I’ve been sculpting some small animals and a doll in paper clay. I thought you might like to have a go too. When I began doll making over thirty years ago (I know – where does the time go?) it … Continue reading
One of my many hobbies is card making. I’m doing it quite a lot at present: there seems little point in adding to doll stock until either I get my eyes sorted out, or my surgery done so I could … Continue reading
Slightly insane
Being slightly insane I enjoy anything a bit crackers. I particularly enjoy the work of Karen Burniston, engineer, so much that she has now earned a whole drawer in my cupboard for her wonderful paper engineering dies. I made the … Continue reading
Nikki’s (very small) miniatures.
Middle age, I often think, is a bit like jam. There you are sandwiched in between your elders and your children, trying to care for both in some very sticky situations. Nikki compensates by miniaturising and is firmly of the … Continue reading
Sylvia’s room.
I am aware that regular readers here are usually creative people. If you suspect that further time spent at home could be looming in the future, you may appreciate creative inspiration from other readers. Sylvia makes lots of room boxes … Continue reading