48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Tag Archives: Miniatura at the naec
Almost here.
My latest twelfth scale glass eyed, removable clothes, brushable hair young ladies are extremely ready for Miniatura, in fact they are packed in their boxes sitting in the hall waiting to be loaded into the car to go go go! … Continue reading
Getting ready.
The usual pre-Miniatura scenario of everything happening in the time you’d set aside to do miniatures, pertains, in the usual way. The S&H is popping home for a funeral, which does mean that at least I have cleared out the … Continue reading
Min 2
What a joy it is to be working for the show. It is also wonderful to have a room to do it in. Last night I left my table like this which I could not have done when I was … Continue reading
Miniatura 2021 at the NAEC
There’s a blog title I never thought I’d be able to write. Miniatura 2021! The pandemic that stole our show has given us a new exhibitor we would not be meeting if the world had continued in the normal way. … Continue reading