48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Category Archives: Dolls
Here kitty kitty.
If you read the previous post below, you won’t be surprised to hear I’ve spent the day interviewing lace. I have a massive collection of small lace, which started probably thirty-five years ago. As my dolls have gone down in … Continue reading
Miniature versions of dolls through history.
Do you remember this? These are a few of the dolls that got as far as the porcelain last show, which I intend to offer as dolls’ dolls, dolls of the past and dolls from history. I’m beginning here with … Continue reading
French fashion.
Do you remember these dolls? These are the French Fashion dolls which I didn’t get round to dressing last time. It takes about six months for an idea to get out of my head and into porcelain reality, usually. However, … Continue reading
What’s going on underneath, a posting that is well and truly knickers, or, how to feel clever about bra purchasing mistakes.
Underwear is going on underneath, usually, though you never can tell. When I first began making dolls, nearly thirty two years ago, I dressed them with all the clothes I wore. I was really keen for them to be little … Continue reading
Posted in Dolls, Knickerbocker Glory, Things to make and do.
Tagged knickers, Smalls For All, underwear
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Cats, cats, I have done catsSome of the cats have got little hats So far, eventually some will be dressed.Some will wear more, others much less.Some will come furry, as made by JaneSome will be stripey, some rather plain.Some two … Continue reading
Brand new.
The brand, if I can call it that, is me. All my dolls are mine, as you know if you are a regular reader. All my porcelain dolls begin as sculptures done by me, from which I make the moulds. … Continue reading
This will be a high speed posting, I am running out of time. It’s three weeks and a couple of days to the show and I haven’t even begun assembling dolls yet. And, helpfully, there has been a disaster. Here … Continue reading
Werk. Bang.
I have finished the rubbing down and cleared up. I have wet washed the floor, all the drapes across the furniture, my clothes, my hair, my bed and anything else involved. Fifteen solid at least fourteen hour days. Never done … Continue reading
Werk 3 ish.
I am working twelve hour days at present. I am still rubbing down all the porcelain castings and now after a week of rubbing I am here. All the big stuff up the far end of the dining table has … Continue reading
W-erk! 2
My dining table currently looks like this . It’s the result of pouring porcelain every twelve hour day for a fortnight. If I do that, I get this, which is a lot of work no matter which end you look … Continue reading