Category Archives: Dolls

The pour the merrier.

I am still pouring porcelain, by tomorrow I’ll be into my second week of it.  I took a photograph of what I’d achieved the day before yesterday   not very impressive is it?  The moulds waiting to be poured are … Continue reading

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Not raining, pouring.

Regular readers know exactly what I’m doing. I’m pouring liquid clay to make dolls, sculptures, ornaments and all the rest of the things I have made for over thirty one years in porcelain. There’s a lot to pour.  There are … Continue reading

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For the 100th.

Preparations are underway for the 100th Miniatura.  If you have not already done so, take yourself to go to the next show, how to get there and scroll down until you find a place to enter your email address, … Continue reading

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It is normal, no matter how soon I start working for a show, for some people to get left on the table. This time it’s going to be the dolls’ dolls.  I want to make dolls’ dolls through the ages, … Continue reading

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How to be the most important person in a hall.

Three days to go to the 99th Miniatura.  It is quite something for a dolls’ house show to be run by the same family for 99 shows.  What usually happens with a show as successful as Miniatura is that it … Continue reading

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Many dolls.

Over the last few weeks I have poured, fired and assembled 44 dolls.  To be exact I have assembled 44 dolls from the many more that I poured, fired, glazed, china painted and fired again. When you are making dolls … Continue reading

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Small dolls.

I am busy now assembling dolls.  I realise when I set the parameters for this blog that I don’t often put dolls in the subject matter, which is a bit odd when that is, principally, what I make. It might … Continue reading

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Not mayonnaise, glass eyed dolls. I haven’t got time to say much, it’s a week and a bit to the show and it takes me several days to dress a glass eyed twelfth scale doll.  Here’s the latest. As you … Continue reading

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More dolls

Here we are at the first of March, the only item of interest in Jane Towers is the dolls.  This is frequently the case but ever more so with only eighteen days to go to the show. I have not … Continue reading

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Doll stringing

..does not involve string at all. As usual with miniature versions of craftsman made items, the smaller you go, the trickier it gets and the first thing you have to make are the tools to do the job. Full size … Continue reading

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