48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Category Archives: Nostalgia
What an amazement. The OH saw an advert for people with lab experience to help with the national effort to defeat the virus, thinking he was going to be an occasional volunteer for something. There were forms to fill in … Continue reading
Fruit and nut case.
As there seems to be a surfeit of nasty news and I like to be contrary ( who doesn’t?) (Well OK not you and clearly not me and I would never say so either.)…. One of the list of things … Continue reading
Vast quantities of assorted junk.
It’s what I brought home from my mother’s house. Vast quantities of assorted junk. There is so much of it that I have been going through the boxes sporadically and resting in between, or doing other things or going through … Continue reading
I was going to get up early this morning so the OH could get into the bathroom and out again to the gym. He is, however, going to give up the gym today in favour of sitting at home nursing … Continue reading
I have a problem with birthdays, I don’t usually like my own, this year for the first time in a long time I had a really happy birthday. I’d decided travel by car was out because it makes the other … Continue reading
I’ve only had time to do one photo but it’s a good one. Here is the S&H and his bride. She’s the third Mrs Laverick I’ve known, which means that I’m a mother-in-law and you may make up all your … Continue reading
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Marriage and death in a rush.
Well, the father of the bride died the day before the wedding but the wedding of the S&H went ahead anyway. I couldn’t believe it was going to, I thought right up until the morning of it that someone would … Continue reading
Happy New Year!
Whatever bad things happened to you in 2012 now belong to the past, which is the best present you get with a nice shiny new year. I used to make resolutions until I realised that the next second is the … Continue reading
From decay.
Here at the fag end of the year, with my father still being dissected, with solicitors still clucking around; in a couple of days off from caring, where the request for sleep that is urgently on the agenda is like … Continue reading
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