48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Tag Archives: humour
Yes, I have piles, I have piles of piles and lots of them. Putting cream on them will not help. Sucking my stomach in and thinking of higher things is no help at all and eating prunes doesn’t make a … Continue reading
The all England women’s flab championships, the final.
You join me here on Centre Court for the final, on such a windy day. Jim, do you remember ever having such a windy day? Other than sixty-three, two-oh-eight and seventeen, no. It is unprecedently windy, yes. No, there was … Continue reading
The perlitikal situashun.
This column never has been and never will be anything to do with politics. It’s about artists like you and me and what we do when life in general and relatives in particular, go a bit manky. However, the current … Continue reading
Absolutely not in the Shakespearian sense, though at the time bundling was very popular. The courting couple, dressed in every garment they had, were put in bed together, sometimes with a plank of wood between them and then further bundled … Continue reading
Eight days in hospital is a long time to watch. There’s not a lot else you can do if you’re not up to reading but hooked up to bottles and drip stands. I had pipes up my nose and everywhere … Continue reading
Inarticulacy, or as I like to think of it, inarticularcy, is its own thingummy jig. If you arse around with the words, which slip, fugitive from your whatsit, (holding with the hands and fingers, begins with rasp) the results are … Continue reading
Have you ever woken up, knowing what was wrong? Or right? I don’t mean in the normal excessively late middle age things of having a sense of which bits have dropped off in the night, assuming, that is, that you’ve … Continue reading
Learning and that
This is the second time I have written the introduction to this post, because I have lost it somewhere in the computer, which rather proves my point. I can see a draft of it, written in strange symbols but have … Continue reading
Dangerous days out for the elderly.
On Friday it was my birthday. I was old. Nevertheless it was decided that we would venture from the building, go somewhere else and return in celebration. A little bottle of something fizzy was put in the fridge in case … Continue reading
2 day
Today is two,It is Two dayTwo day two youIn any wayRead two or froA palindromeTwo two 0 goingAnd coming home. Two is the numberOn Toosday two,A day for meA day for youTwo do what weWould like two doChoose carefullyIt’s up … Continue reading