Category Archives: The parrot has landed.

Summer is…

icumen in, time to change your wardrobe over. Is a line Shakespeare only wrote a bit of, the rest is mine. Or how about:  For lo! The winter is past, time to change your wardrobe over. It’s that there global … Continue reading

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Win. win–win, win.,

Few events in life are good in both directions.  Researching Marie Antionette again, trips in a tumbril, really bad both ways.  Political elections bad for most, good for a few for a limited time (a week, tops.)  Flooded towns – … Continue reading

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Seriously boring.

Not me, I hope.  On further consideration that may not have been the best title ever for a blog posting. The occupation which is causing serious boredom is tidying up.  Not just the putting it all in neat piles variety … Continue reading

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A bit of a squash.

Being vegetarian, mostly, and a gardener, I am always delighted when I can grow my own food successfully.  I particularly like free food from free seeds, especially if I have eaten the rest of the item that provided the seeds.  … Continue reading

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The dog days of August.

In theory ended two days ago.  They have nothing to do with dogs being hot, or hot dogs, or your dogsies barking because they are hot.  They are to do with the rising of Sirius the dog star and were … Continue reading

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One of us is exhausted.  Who is it?  Is it you or the other one…me.  Me, I’m the other one.  What was I on about?  Let’s of us.. Oh yes, one of us is absolutely knackered, gone, had it. … Continue reading

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The all England women’s flab championships, the final.

You join me here on Centre Court for the final, on such a windy day.  Jim, do you remember ever having such a windy day? Other than sixty-three, two-oh-eight and seventeen, no. It is unprecedently windy, yes. No, there was … Continue reading

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The Frank Sinatra method of meditation 2.

If you enjoyed the last blog about the Frank Sinatra method of meditation for beginners, also known as the meditation of six things, here is a guided meditation. Long term readers (hello, if you would like a badge email me … Continue reading

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Not yoga for the knocking on.

Because I am married to a man we have two gigantic televisions.  He bought the second one for himself, believing the first, which is the size of a rugby team fridge sat on by an overweight hippopotamus, to be inadequate … Continue reading

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Life with the undertall.

That would be me, the undertall.  As a child I was small, there were two girls at school in my class similarly sized.  We had ballroom dancing, an absolute requirement for young ladies who would be of marriageable age in … Continue reading

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