Tag Archives: pouring porcelain

The pour the merrier.

I am still pouring porcelain, by tomorrow I’ll be into my second week of it.  I took a photograph of what I’d achieved the day before yesterday   not very impressive is it?  The moulds waiting to be poured are … Continue reading

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with a capital Erk!

What have we here? Looks like a lot of something. Long term readers (hello, how is your year going so far?) will know exactly what this is. It is my dining table, which is not small and regularly seats six … Continue reading

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Pouring over my work.

Seasoned readers (hello) know exactly what that title means.  I am indeed pouring porcelain. It’s one of those activities that you forget the difficulties of, when you haven’t done it for a while.  Once upon a time, thirty years ago, … Continue reading

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Pouring over my work.

Here are my 48th scale people on display at Miniatura, as photographed by the Miniatura photographer.  What a splendid job he has made of the tiny dolls, all in focus, and my giant hand, also sufficiently in focus to see … Continue reading

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Permanently pouring.

I am.  Well, it certainly feels like it. I did have to interrupt proceedings to go to a party and a leaving do yesterday evening.  It was nice but a bit pointless as I’d rather have been pouring porcelain and … Continue reading

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