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Tag Archives: cancer
What to say to somebody with cancer.
I had a doll order, actually last week but I only happened by chance to notice it. Orders come into a special place in my inbox. As there have been none for a year I stopped checking, if you do … Continue reading
My first and probably only meeting with the oncologist midweek was a disaster, to say the least. My specialist nurse has been off sick. I do not take the OH into meetings: I did once and he contradicted what I … Continue reading
Future dread.
I have come to dread the arrival of letters from the hospital. Last week I had a couple of awful ones. One was the appointment with the oncologist, which is at nine in the morning next week. It feels like … Continue reading
Buckets of blood part 2
The first news is that the news is not good. I saw the surgeon on Friday; the histology shows that the cancer had invaded more than half the muscle which makes it stage two. I will see an oncologist in … Continue reading
Yo ho yuk and buckets of blood. Part the first.
Prior to going into hospital on the 25th of January for cancer surgery, I did as much as I could to put my affairs in order. I just knew something was going to go horribly wrong. Some of the most … Continue reading
A bit of bad news.
I’ve started the year with a bit of bad news and we haven’t even got the first week over yet. I’ve got cancer. The results of the exploratory surgery came back, now I have to have an MRI scan on … Continue reading