One of us is exhausted. Who is it? Is it you or the other one…me. Me, I’m the other one. What was I on about? Let’s of us..
Oh yes, one of us is absolutely knackered, gone, had it.
Once upon a time when I was a teacher of seven year olds and team teaching, upon a Friday to let other teachers prepare for the next week I took a class of 120 seven year olds, some of whom would grow up to be criminals (it was that sort of area, nothing to do with the teaching), all on my own, for over an hour. All perfectly behaved, interested and busy.
The world was young then and it was long ago.
Now one six year old, highly intelligent, to whom I am related, is exhausting.
It wasn’t meant to be a week, it was meant to be a few days to see how he got on far from Mummy and Daddy but then Daddy got Covid badly so we kept the GDS here for a week and took him back today.
It has been a great week and I have loved every minute. I was responsible. I did not do as my Uncle Harry did, who had perfected the art of winding up any kid until it was on the verge of being sick with excitement and then handing it back to the parents, who were under the illusion that they had had a little time off and were rested.
We did a lot. We did the castle, the park, the good sweet shop, the toyshop, the park, walking next door’s dog, cartoons, making cards, more park, clothes shopping, sending postcards, the nice big food shop, the even better food shop, getting up at the crack of dawn, and sleeping alone in a bedroom. (Especially me.)
But now I am tired. I am so tired I may fall asl