The flown parrot relanded.

For longer than I can possibly say it has been my intention not to have a website.  Ever since the web was spun it has been my desire not to get netted.  I particularly haven’t wanted computers since 1981 when we got our first.  Internet, intranet, knit-wit net, shall I compare thee to a midsummer night’s cast of naughty nettyness?  No, let’s not.

During the many years when I wrote columns for magazines, I noticed a slight tendency to unintentional predictions.  I would write about the hilarious possibility of something untoward which often eventuated to coincide with the printing date.  Once or twice the title reflected something in the news, which, considering I wrote three months in advance was a surprise, to say the least.  So I should have been prepared when I wrote the ‘Foot in the aisle’ blog for it to turn out to be a centipede.

So now I (just) have a website and a (roundabout) thrice weekly blog, of course it went down.  Naturally the site hosts sent me a (probably helpful) message in Norwegian.  The bit I liked was all the readers who contacted me by email and phone to tell me the blog had vanished like chocolate buns off a cooling rack.  Thank you!  Thank you for caring, I’m touched (though close relatives will mutter that there’s nothing new there, then.)

The good news, which you may have deduced, is that I’m back.  It was server upgrades, apparently.  I hope I have now carefully stepped over the rest of the centipede’s slippers because tomorrow I’m continuing the mammoth task of photographing dolls, including all those that are already there in order to attempt to install the fantastic zoom feature, which involves messing around with more computery stuff than I ever thought probable for someone who really prefers a nice hardback notebook and a black extra-fine pen.

Then what I could do with, is a new computer. Learning is a wonderful thing.


Shakespeare’s school in Stratford on Avon.

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