48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Tag Archives: David Attenborough
Let us now praise famous men…
Though not all of them. Fame is a tricky monkey, it can turn on famous people and claw them so badly that you cannot see them ever again without the scars. It can lean down from the lofty heights it … Continue reading
Lay-by clowns.
When commuting fifty miles on a regular basis, it is a matter of months before one stops noticing the weather, the traffic flow and the road works and starts noticing more esoteric matters. I first noticed the lay-by clowns quite … Continue reading