Category Archives: Dolls

Dolls for the Min

Under normal circumstances, whatever they are, at this point a few weeks before the show I would be dashing around like a mad fool, doing multitasking, other wise known as displacement activity. The facial injury, however, makes anything other than … Continue reading

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When I threatened  a shop here again, or, to be exact, the S&H thought he could do a shop here again, I thought a response to the question, would you like one? might come flooding in. As no response has … Continue reading

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Keep the faith.

As the solicitors are still dealing with my mother’s will I have been unable to sell the last effects from her rooms at the care home.  There are pictures and some furniture.  I had put them all in the little … Continue reading

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A first.

Well here’s a first.  The table is covered in china painting and I’m not doing it.  It’s just sitting there.  I love china painting, it’s the reward for all the dreadful grit scrubbing. Why am I not doing it?  Well. … Continue reading

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OH! Ooh! Ow!

I did it.  I unpacked the kiln this morning, look. Two shelves full of 48th, which is only a particular number of dolls when you start to match them up and see how many left legs you have for a … Continue reading

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Dolls by popular request.

I am always happy to answer emails, in fact I’m utterly thrilled you bother to write.  Thank you if you do.  I got a lovely email asking how I could look at a doll I’d made and decide it was … Continue reading

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If you are a creative person, the effect of not being able to make stuff for four and a half years and then suddenly being able to do so, is like a little hole in a dam. I couldn’t do … Continue reading

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Wastage rates.

I am busy rubbing down the newest six 24th scale dolls.  I am keeping busy, as so often in the last few years.  If the body of someone close to you is affected by disease, once you are sure you … Continue reading

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Mouldy round the edges.

One of the ways I can tell I’m getting older, apart from teensy weensy clues such as a mirror, is how long it takes me to recover from mould making. You probably don’t think of mould making as being physically … Continue reading

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Pouring over my work.

Here are my 48th scale people on display at Miniatura, as photographed by the Miniatura photographer.  What a splendid job he has made of the tiny dolls, all in focus, and my giant hand, also sufficiently in focus to see … Continue reading

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