Category Archives: Miniatura

One week to the Min.

This time next week we’ll be at Autumn Miniatura 2023, I hope this is as much your happy place as it is mine. I have been working, except for yesterday when I took time off to have my flu jab … Continue reading

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Two weeks to the Min.

Once upon a time, with Miniatura looming I just got up and sat down and worked.  I can’t do that anymore.  If I don’t move around I seize up.  So I have been doing a bit of gardening. This year … Continue reading

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Things for the Min.

I was going to think of a snappier title than ‘Things for the Min’ but as the subject matter is things for the Min, that might be the right title. If you have found me via the link from Miniatura, … Continue reading

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It is 15 years since you were first able to read this column.  If you are a reader who has stayed with me for 15 years, thank you! was begun to help artists exhibiting at Miniatura.  At the time … Continue reading

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The Min.

Unreasonable joy.  ’Tis a month to the Min. If you go the the Miniatura website, you will discover quite a lot about the show, but you will have to wait until next week to see the floor plan.  We love … Continue reading

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Miniatura artisans.

Did I mention that a friend I hadn’t seen for twenty years came to stay to go to the show?  It was an amazement that thirty years ago I regularly had people to stay who were visiting the show and … Continue reading

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Miniatura–the show.

Miniatura is the place where I meet the people I care about.  This weekend I met these people. I met a mother and daughter who share the hobby and bring each other to the show and enjoy every minute of … Continue reading

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Almost here.

My latest twelfth scale glass eyed, removable clothes, brushable hair young ladies are extremely ready for Miniatura, in fact they are packed in their boxes sitting in the hall waiting to be loaded into the car to go go go! … Continue reading

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Getting ready.

The usual pre-Miniatura scenario of everything happening in the time you’d set aside to do miniatures, pertains, in the usual way.  The S&H is popping home for a funeral, which does mean that at least I have cleared out the … Continue reading

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12th scale.

I have no idea why it is, the minute I start preparation for the show, everyone in sight steals my time. The OH decided we could save some money by having a water meter installed.  Good plan, why did it … Continue reading

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