Category Archives: The parrot has landed.


I’m sure you’ve heard of FOMO. It’s Fear Of Missing Out and it is definitely a first world problem.  I have known entire families afflicted with this, and would like to ask them about it, though it’s tricky to talk … Continue reading

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The Full Fawlty.

Have you ever had an hour and a half where everything went wrong?  No?  Allow me to share the one I’ve just had. Like so many minor annoyances it started with smooth and uncomplicated promise.  I was going to set … Continue reading

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Magnetic surfaces.

Whilst I love the London Times newspaper so much this column is scribed in Times New Roman font, I feel they have missed a trick this morning. On the third page they report that decluttering guru and tidying up enthusiast … Continue reading

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Egrets, I’ve had a few but then again……. I typed this, in a rush, missing an R. Of course, Frank Sinatra could have raised small white wading birds, though he would not have had long to do so, at least … Continue reading

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The perlitikal situashun.

This column never has been and never will be anything to do with politics.  It’s about artists like you and me and what we do when life in general and relatives in particular, go a bit manky. However, the current … Continue reading

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Housewives Real Treasure–New Year edition.

Angelica here!  May I be the first to wish you a Happy New Year. Here at HRT we are very excited by the donation of a camera phone.  Jackie Biscuit, our cookery editor is still in Dubai, but her teenage … Continue reading

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Housewives Real Treasure–Easter edition.

Welcome reader to the HRT Easter edition. Angelica, your editor here. First a little notelet of warning, you may be a tad late getting your copy as our usual distributor is embroiled in the current van driver’s dispute and won’t … Continue reading

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Housewives Real Treasure. Late December Edition.

Hello Readers! Angelica, your Editor here!  My Goodness!  What a packed fortnight it has been!  Next issue will be the Christmas Edition!  How quickly it comes round! It seems like only twelve months since we were telling you what to … Continue reading

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There and back again and back again and there.

The poor S&H needs a visit, I thought.  When things go wrong a hug from Mum is a help. However, it is a long way and a long time since we went there.  The OH has found and been bought … Continue reading

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The technology of yesteryear…….

ends up donated. If you have ever considered yourself to be ever so slightly past it, please be consoled.  You cannot possibly be more past it than passed-on technology.  How capacious is your drawer of music cassettes?  Do you still … Continue reading

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